Monkee Wrench 🔧

fix some issues I have when working on front end. this fixes the images with dummy images and lets you know which links don't work

  • missing images (404)
  • missing background images (404)
  • missing video
  • missing links
  • dead links (internal pages)
  • links to 404 pages (internal pages)


  1. focus browser and press "m"
  2. or use ?monkeewrench

Monkee-Wrench-Lite 🔧


A library for fixing broken (background)images and visualize broken/missing links (~ 3KB)

Monkee-Wrench 🔧


A library for fixing broken (background)images and visualize broken/missing links (~ 5KB)

Drag this to Bookmarks Bar → Monkee-Wrench-Lite

In action

normal image

missing image, replace by script

normal image

missing image, replace by script

normal image

missing image, replace by script

background image

background missing image, replace by script

missing links, hightlighted by script

Code snippets

{% if env == "dev" %}
{# script only available in DEV mode, it can update missing images with dummy #}

<script src="">
{% endif %}

<script src="">

<script src="">