Monkee util 🧰

some tools I use in the website, and possibly outside

  • embed code
  • auto embed code
  • code data-escape
  • check embdding js/css

In action

embdding code from external file:
embdding code from embeded code:

Auto embed Code snippets

for (i in 0...all.length) {
    var el:Element = cast all[i];
    var html = el.getAttribute('data-escape');
    // el.innerHTML = (html);
    // el.innerText = MonkeeUtil.escapeHTML(html);
    el.innerHTML = Sanitize.escapeHTML(html);
    * Json generated info on `build-release`
    * @example
    * MonkeeUtil.embedSpecs('#app', '../assets/json/monkee_load.json');
    * @param id element to parse Monkee-Z Chain code in
    * @param filename the file we want to use



Code snippets

{% if env == "dev" %}
{# script only available in DEV mode, it can update missing images with dummy #}

<script src="">
{% endif %}