
Awesome Haxe Generative

A collection of awesome Haxe generative libraries, resources and shiny things.

Like generative art, generative music or other forms of generative (even if they are not mentioned)

Everybody is allowed to contribute, if they are “attracted” by the word Generative. Any library that serves a purpose in your work, are allowed to be mentioned here.

For now we have a list with “Unconfirmed libs”. That is a list of libs that might work, but are … unconfirmed. This might be a library that you bookmarked (but didn’t test), a library that doesn’t have an example, a library that looks unmaintained.

Prototype JavaScript




Noise / Random


Output / Image

Unconfirmed libs 🤔

This is a list of libs that might work, but are … unconfirmed. This might be a library that you bookmarked (but didn’t test), a library that doesn’t have an example, a library that looks unmaintained.

If you think this is untrue…. Please let us know!

Inspirational libs

This has nothing to do with Haxe, but probably an awesome place to get inspiration