

hxaudio.js is a drop-in javascript library that allows HTML5’s <audio> tag to look the same in any browser.

Native AudioElement Google Chrome
Audio Google Chrome

Native AudioElement Firefox
Audio Firefox

Native AudioElement Safari
Audio Safari

It uses native <audio>. It provides a consistent html player UI to all browsers which can be styled used standard css.

Native AudioElement styled by HxAudio.js
Audio Safari

Inspired by audio.js

I was inspired by the works of Anthony Kolber: audio.js.
But after a closer look it could use an update:


  1. Put hxaudio.js and hxaudio.gif in the same folder.
  1. Include the audio.js file:
<script src="/hxaudiojs/hxaudio.js"></script>
  1. Then you can use <audio> wherever you like in your HTML:
<audio src="/mp3/juicy.mp3" preload="auto" />


A series of API tests & examples for using and extending audio.js

Browser & format support

It has been verified to work across:

Source code

All efforts have been made to keep the source as clean and readable as possible. Until we release more detailed documentation, the annotated source is the best reference for usage.

Annotated source / Source on Github


hxaudio.js is released under an MIT License, so do with it what you will.

Build from source

Use NPM watch for automate build
cd to the correct folder

npm install
npm run watch

or just build it once with

haxe javascript.hxml

And open /bin/index.html in your favorite browser.